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Facilities at MBGI
Mai Bhago Group of Institutions have huge facility list.

National Service Scheme
The National Service Scheme is an Indian government sector public service program conducted by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports of the Government of India. Popularly known as NSS, the scheme was launched in Gandhiji's Centenary year in 1969.
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The college has full computerized library with well stocked about 6400 books in different fields.Different types of magazines and journal are also provided. All tranasactions are done through computer. It has reading hall with 200 students sitting capacity.Peacefull environment is also provided to students so that they can study with full concentration.It provides quality services to students as well as faculty members for fulfilling mission of institution of being an excellence.
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Computer Lab
The college has centrally air conditioned ultra modern computer lab having LCD computers with latest configuration and 24 hours internet facility of 1 mbps lease line from Connect broad band connection. It has been set up with the aim to improve the programming skills of student with a clear focus on computer organization. And various logic design techniques with up to date low level and high level languages and also gives an exposure to current trends in the subjects. With access to the World Wide Web, the students are encouraged to note study materials of concerned subjects and make presentation on it.
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Science Laboratory
Science labs are equipped with Medical as well as Binocular Microscope, Microtome, B.P. Operators, Stethoscope, Automatic Water bath, Dissection Microscope, Slide Projector etc. Chemistry labs are equipped with Steam Oven, Conducting Bridge, Polarimeter, Electrical Water Bath, Muffle Furnace, Mechanical Shaker, Galvanometer, M.P. Apparatus etc. Physics labs are equipped with Multimeter, Anderson Bridge Apparatus, Bending Beam Apparatus, Ballastic Galvanometer, Diode Clipping Apparatus, Newton ring apparatus, Potentiometer, Photo cell characteristics Apparatus,Hygrometer, Fleshing and Quenching Apparatus, Young’s Modulus Apparatus, Zener Diode Voltage Regulator etc.
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Transport Facility
Our School provides big Transport Facility.It covers the distance around 50 Kilometers .There are many buses in the schools which are going to different villages and drop the students on desired location.There are some small and large buses.
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A huge applause to our Alumni who make us feel so proud of them.

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Recent News
MBGI in News

Honor to winner of Info-Nepal games.
Honor of Gold Medal winner of 2nd Indo-Nepal Rural Youth Games by Dr.Balwinder Singh Brar, Chairman, Mai Bhago Degree college (for girls).

NSS organised Swacchta Abhiyaan in village Makhha
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Be Friendly with you childrens (Sharanjeet Kaur)
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